This was incredibly significant for me…

PKNZ celebrates 30 years of ministry

by Frank Po Ching - I received a message last Thursday that Joseph-Rangi, was choosing to celebrate his 10th birthday with his Dad and Grandfather at our PK 30th Anniversary Celebration.

As Joseph-Rangi guided his highly vision-impaired dad by the arm into PK Event venue at Church Unlimited, I felt the Holy Spirit say, “this is the prophetic picture of PK transitioning from the old season into the new”.

As I greeted them at the door that Friday night, I asked Joseph if I could invite him up to cut the cake. With a smile, he said yes. After he cut the cake, more than 120 people sung Happy Birthday to Joseph, our VIP.

I am not sure if anyone else recognised the prophetic significance of the moment on Friday night. What I initially thought was a ‘cool’ thing to do to make his birthday memorable, God had orchestrated for Joseph-Rangi, his Dad and Grandfather to attend, as a message that Promise Keepers NZ is Not Done yet.

If you joined us on Friday or Saturday, and you also sensed this, I say “go God!” I’m excited for what God will do through Joseph-Rangi and his generation for this nation and beyond. The PK Celebration Event marked the end of an era, and to welcome in the new.

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all our speakers who gave their time to share their wisdom with the hundreds of men who attended. All our volunteers did an amazing job in different areas. The worship team and the choir of 25, led the gathering into an unforgettable worship with their phenomenal gifts. The people’s hearts to serve no matter what, were second to none, and I am eternally grateful.

Special thanks to Sam Tolley and his crew from Church Unlimited for your heart for PK and the men of Aotearoa. God’s presence dwells in your house, and may it continue to be a beacon in your community and beyond NZ.

The simplicity of Tawhiri’s message on Saturday night was, “Read scripture, and just go and do it.”

For me personally, there were three things I felt the Lord impressed on my heart: Prayer; Worship; and Discipleship. I sense the urgency in the Lord’s word. So, ‘Read scripture, and just do it.’

I want to close by using Nick Tuitasi’s analogy of the Titanic; “We are in a sinking ship, and we ‘Christians’ need to lead people toward the exit door, which is the Cross.”

PKNZ work is not done yet men. Not until Jesus comes back.

In His richest blessings

Frank Po Ching