DONATE TODAY to support PK to help men come out of isolation, deal with life issues, and grow spiritually. With your help PKNZ can reach more men, to bring them strength for today and hope for tomorrow.
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Support the Mission of Promise Keepers
PK – Embrace, Encourage, Empower
“What I love about PK is it’s there to support men. The PK team, the PK supporters, you are changing men’s lives in ways you may never see, or hear about in this life, but God knows and us New Zealand blokes need PK.”
“We men have been blessed mightily by your presence! I can’t wait for the next PK event and I know others who would say the same.”
“After struggling to get free of pornography for over 20 years I am now walking in freedom and living the life God intended for me. This journey began when I joined a Set Free group through PK.”
“I am donating towards PK so that other men can benefit from this important investment into men and their families. Thank you for your commitment to men in New Zealand.”
“Set Free men’s groups have made a huge difference to my life and marriage. It is now more than three years since I did the Conquer Course and it has set my marriage and life on a new and exciting pathway.”
“Thanks for another terrific and uplifting PK event. I went with a group of seven other guys. As always the worship was really impactful.”
“Love the PK messages. They are very inspiring.”
“We had 25 blokes in our group and all found the talk real and challenging. These online events are a great way of joining guys nationwide.”
“Being part of this Set Free program gave me the tools to address key areas relating to sexuality and wholeness in my life. This has led to greater accountability and ultimately freedom in an area that had been tripping me up for a number of years.”
How PK Can Help You…
What do you want to be known for and what do you want your life to represent?
Promise Keepers exists to help men focus on life purpose, destiny, character, integrity and manhood, based on Christian values.
PK has the know-how and tools to help you grow into the man you want to be, respected for making a real difference in people’s lives.
We can help you! This website shows you how!
National Director

Resources and info
Go deeper with on-demand content, including videos suitable for men’s group breakfasts and evenings.
So much great content is waiting here for you!
Get Involved
Help others on their journey of transformation by working with the mission of Promise Keepers.