Promise Keepers NZ Endorsements

How PKNZ has helped our men...

Ps Luke Brough, Senior Minister, Elim Christian Centre, Auckland

“Our men have loved attending Promise Keepers and it has not only been a highlight but has also had a big spiritual and practical impact in their lives.”


Rod Carey, Territorial Secretary for Programme, Lieutenant Colonel, The Salvation Army

“Promise Keepers plays a pivotal role in equipping and empowering men to reach their full potential in Christ and becoming all that God planned for them to be in the home, office, church and community. Their ministry is marked by vision, service and integrity and continues to have an impact and legacy in the lives of countless Kiwi men. I highly commend them to you.”


Chris Clarke, former Chief Executive Officer, World Vision of New Zealand

“I have long admired the work of Promise Keepers, their heart for helping men realise their full potential, the quality and passion of the Promise Keepers leadership, and their commitment to help build a better New Zealand.”


The Right Reverend Richard Ellena, Anglican Bishop of the Nelson Diocese

“It has been a privilege over several years now to be involved in Promise Keepers. As an organisation, Promise Keepers has had a huge impact on many men within the churches that come under my oversight. These men are more committed to their spouses, to their families and to their churches. This has been achieved by ordinary men sharing (and at times baring) their lives as a testimony to God’s amazing grace in and through Jesus.”


Ps Iliafi Esera, General Superintendant, Assemblies of God NZ, and Senior Pastor, Faith City Church, Wanganui

“I have been involved now with Promise Keepers for [over] 20 years and have found it to be an amazing ministry in resourcing men to live lives that are God honouring, and helping them to build strong, godly families. Promise Keepers has helped multiply thousands of men, equipping them, challenging them and motivating them to go forward for God. Jesus Christ has always been the central focus of Promise Keepers and in my opinion the main reason it has been the fruitful ministry that it has been and is today.”


Rev Dr Colin S Marshall, Senior Minister, St John’s Presbyterian, Mt Roskill

“I believe that the work Promise Keepers does with men is an absolutely critical part of the life of the body of Christ in NZ. In a culture where multiple unhelpful male stereotypes abound, Promise Keepers brings men back to a pragmatic, down to earth understanding of what it is to be a man, a husband, a father, and a member of the church and wider community, from a Christian perspective. The broad spectrum encouragement is just what every NZ man needs to give them confidence in their own identity.”


Ps Tavale Matai’a, Senior Pastor, Word of Life Church, Auckland

“I have been involved in the Promise Keepers Ministry for [more than] 20 years in various capacities – as an Event speaker, a Board member and chairman, and on the Board of Trustees. While remaining true to the uncompromising biblical integrity of its ethos and practice, this ministry has been used greatly by the Holy Spirit to transform thousands of men in New Zealand to be better husbands, fathers and extraordinary men in our communities. The commitment of Promise Keepers to the local church is simply outstanding. The men (fathers and sons) of our church have been tremendously encouraged and built up through Promise Keepers.”


Dr Rodney Thompson, former National Principal/CEO, Laidlaw College

“I thoroughly endorse the goals of Promise Keepers as it fulfils its significant ministry to men in these days of challenge, encouraging integrity and friendship, love and faithfulness. May God continue to richly provide and guide this vital work.”


Rev Craig Vernall, National Leader, Baptist Churches of NZ

"Promise Keepers has consistently provided men with the vision and tools to serve God, their families and their local churches. The PK team have the highest of integrity and seek to model what they proclaim. I have every confidence in this important ministry."