Events Calendar

PKNZ Men's Events Nationwide 

Auckland, 9-10 August, PKNZ men's event, 'Men Coming Together', celebrating 30 years of Promise Keepers in New Zealand. Save the Date and make plans to join us. Keynote speakers include Nick Tuitasi, Norm McLeod, Tawhiri Littlejohn, Bob McCoskrie, David Dusek. Venue Church Unlimited, Glendene, West Auckland. [Find out more here]

Zoom online men's group. Join in the discussion on Friday fortnightly at 6.30am. Find out more [here]

Group leaders forum. Join us on Zoom, third Thursday evening each month (Feb -Nov). Find out more [here]

More dates to come for events throughout NZ. If you want to be one of the first to know about PK events, sign up to receive PK emails [here]

For PK Event updates please check here on or phone 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47).

All men are welcome to attend these events. Please contact PK to register. Click [here] or phone 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47).

If you would like have a PK speaker at your event? Please email us [here] or phone 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47).

Details subject to change


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