Pray, Worship and Make Disciples
by Frank Po Ching -
Promise Keepers Event 2024 marked a new season for PK to encounter and pursue the Father’s heart at a much deeper level. The men were challenged to do business in the spiritual realm.
The hunger in the men’s heart to worship the Lord, was something I haven’t seen for a long time. Men in tears, arms lifted high, with the name of Jesus on their lips – singing their heart out like there was no tomorrow. Men sung so hard some almost lost their voice after the morning session.
The atmosphere was one of joy, enthusiasm, excitement, and of hope. Men were engaged, eating up what was offered during the day.
The goal of the event was for men to gather and worship the Lord, and the Lord’s name was lifted high on Saturday by the hundreds who gathered.
Throughout the event, I took brief moments to observe what the Lord was doing. There were three things the Lord impressed on my heart during the event: Prayer, Worship, and Discipleship.
Witnessing the hearts of the men during the event, those three things resonated with me. At the end of Saturday night, there was a sense of urgency on the Father’s heart for us to pray and worship Him and make disciples.
At 5:50am on Sunday morning, I woke up weeping before the Lord, hearing His words on repeat on my heart.
“I want my people to pray without ceasing, to worship me without ceasing, and make disciples.”
The urgency was stronger than I have ever felt before.
I pray that the men who attended also felt the heart of the Father, and the urgency to lead people to the cross, and “…make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the Age. Amen.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
I want to ask that we continue to pray without ceasing, and to worship Him without ceasing. Jesus called us to make disciples of all men. I call upon you all to be intentional and be committed to seeking His face for those that are not yet followers of Christ.
Pray without ceasing. Worship Him without ceasing and make disciples for He is worthy to follow.
In His richest blessings
Frank Po Ching