Previously Paul Monahan shared about our PK Local Events from Kaitaia to Invercargill. For many years now, it has been a priority of PK to meet the needs of men throughout New Zealand where they are at.
Our local events enabled PK to pursue its dedicated mission: uniting men through vital relationships to become godly influences in their world. In fact, church unity has become a hallmark of these PK Local Events, as we’ve seen representation from a wide range of churches working together to host the events, and invite men from various church affiliations and denominations. Like you, I pray and hope that with the help of God and our own efforts, we will continue to remain united in our PK Local Events, because “In unity there is strength”. As we learn about in 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, there is unity and diversity in one body, and where there is unity, God commands a blessing (Psalm 133:1-3).
For over 27 years, Promise Keepers New Zealand has (and continues to be) a spiritual catalyst that embraced, encouraged, and equipped Men’s Groups throughout our nation. In terms of impact and reach, PK has reached out to 3,000 churches, and impacted the lives of tens of thousands of Kiwi men (and their families) with the abundant life and hope that is only found in Jesus Christ.
PK has positively impacted, planted, and nurtured the spiritual seeds of growth for Men’s Ministry in every region of New Zealand. This impact would have never been possible without your faithful support. It’s thanks to faithful supporters like yourself, that PK has achieved this impact and reach for the greater glory of God’s Kingdom.
As the PK Board we are continually encouraged by the steadfast faithfulness of our supporters. We are also united in recognising the truth of: "No money, no mission", and during this season we find that, as Paul shared previously: every donated dollar counts significantly to us right now.
We also appreciate that 2022 has served as a season of rebuilding and renewal for many churches and ministries throughout New Zealand. We recognise that everyday life has been disrupted and it’s certainly been a challenging season. In reality, Promise Keepers is not immune to the difficulties shared by other ministries, and it’s thanks to you supporters that we continue with purpose.
If God is asking you to give during this season, may I encourage you to act on that spiritual prompting. I’ve seen it time and time again that God continues to honour the faithfulness of a cheerful and generous giver, and we thank you for giving this opportunity your consideration.
It's now easier than ever to give online, and we have options available for Regular Giving and One-off Gifts. To find out more see:
You can give online via bank transfer with these details:
Account Name: Promise Keepers Trust
Account Number: 12-3082-0105255-04
Reference: Your Name and PK Support ID number (if known)
Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone about giving or leaving a legacy, please freephone: 0800 PROMISE (0800 77 66 47), or contact us via email at:
You are a valued member of our PK team. Whether you are a giver, a prayer, or a volunteer, PK's mission is always more successful and stronger because of your involvement.
Thank you again for your prayerful consideration during this time.
Blessings and Best Regards,
Justin St. Vincent
Board Chairman
Promise Keepers Trust
P.S. Your donations are Tax Deductible as Promise Keepers Trust is a registered Charity in NZ. Find out more [here].