Significant Impact on Men’s Lives

Through PK I've seen incredible joy, faith exploding and men deeply impacted by God.

Many of you know me from my commitment to helping run PK events around NZ.


I’ve been involved in PK for many years with our guys from Hosanna Porirua really benefitting heaps over the time. It’s been an inspiring experience that resulted in helping so many men in their journey of faith and numbers of others making first steps to become followers of Jesus Christ. That’s kingdom stuff. That’s worth living for.


I remember some of the powerful moments we experienced at our events. Like the time when the Drama team were on scaffolding addressing the issue of hypocrisy in Christians lives. Our team had so many men tell us how it had cut deep into their thinking and changed their way of living. It was a powerful moment as each one reflected on their own attitudes, responses and Christlikeness.


Another great moment I still vividly remember was when an invitation to receive healing resulted in one guy, who was known to be carrying an injury, received ministry. He couldn’t quite believe what God did and in his joy leapt off the stage. Something he could not have done before!


At that point the Spirit of God moved through the whole auditorium filling men with incredible joy and a powerful sense of His Spirit. Men were moved by God. Faith in the room exploded in a very unusual way and we all went home deeply impacted by God. The outflow from that gathering was significant and stories of what God did were shared for months after.


I will never forget one story of a man receiving ministry at PK over serious cancer that had left his wife and himself calling out to God. She shared the story of how God had granted total healing when they had been living with a terrible prognosis from the doctor.

Through PK I've seen incredible joy, faith exploding and men deeply impacted by God.
Through the ministry of PK it’s been inspiring to see so many men grow in their journey of faith and numbers of others making first steps to become followers of Jesus Christ.


There are so many stories like these. Men have brought their friends and seen them become followers of Jesus. PK teams have travelled and assisted Churches, men’s groups and Pastors, and run events around the country. Resources and advice have been made available to Churches. Men’s lives have been transformed. It can honestly be said that Promise Keepers has been having significant impact in men’s lives for many years. This is because of great financial support from many men and particularly by Bill Subritzky, and his family, doing so much to make sure Kiwi men got great opportunities to experience God working in their lives.


PK is now on a new and exciting phase in ministry with Frank Po Ching leading the charge. The changes involved in the new look PK means that we will be seeing local Churches hosting events in your own area. Churches will have the opportunity to host an event with PK’s assistance. The team will be offering a range of support to local men’s groups around the country. This new phase in ministry needs ongoing financial support to continue this very empowering and effective ministry to men in Churches around the country. These things can only happen if there are financial resources. If you can help to make a difference by supporting this great work, then step up prayerfully to see God’s work with men in NZ develop and grow as a part of the Kingdom of Christ today.


I pray you will join in the journey of faith and faithfulness in this great men’s ministry, so that men around the country will be helped on the journey into and with Christ.


Bless you heaps

Gary Colville


Gary Colville is a PK speaker and long-time friend of the PK ministry. He has served as Senior Pastor of Hosanna Porirua for more than 35 years, retiring in 2020.


PK is supporting men and bringing them together. We are calling men out of loneliness and into friendships with one another. Strong men build resilient families and as a result we’ll have better communities.

Do you have the financial capacity to help PK and give a donation large, small, or monthly? Regular giving keeps PK alive. Regular, recurring donations provide a strong financial foundation for the ministry.

If you can help PK at this time, any donation that you can give is important and appreciated.

Promise Keepers Trust is a registered charity, so your donations are tax deductible.

Thanks so much for prayerfully considering this. [Donate and find out more here]