More in 2024

We are more than conquerors, God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,

One of the things I love to do is to ask the Lord for prophetic insight for each new year. A theme will usually come which I will pray into and also use for the preaching/teaching ministry God has given me. In 2023 it was the need for spiritual fathers and mothers to arise in the church in this troubled hour of history. My wife Greta and I taught on this extensively in many of the more than forty churches we visited last year.

Over the last few weeks of 2023, the phrase “more in 2024” kept coming to me. As I studied scriptures with the word more in them, two stood out especially. Speaking of the opposition and trials that Christians face, the apostle Paul said:

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37 NIV)

The world has become more volatile, more opposed to Christianity, and the devil is more active – all signs Jesus said that would precede His return. But evil’s more, need never conquer us. Instead, believe and declare that we are more than conquerors over these things, through Christ. This includes addictions, character flaws, and other areas we may struggle with. If you believe and pray, expect to conquer things you have never been able to before in 2024.

The other scripture that stood out was Ephesians 3:20 (NIV):

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

Dare to ask big in 2024. Dare to think big. As long as it is God’s will, He will do more than our biggest request. He always has a way of surpassing our expectations to remind us how kind and amazing He is, leaving us in awe of Him.

For example, I released my latest book How to Pray – and Change Your World in 2022. At the time, Greta and I prayed that the Lord would take it far and wide, to light a fire of prayer in all who read it. A copy fell into the hands of a New Zealand missionary to Mongolia who sent it to a church leader there. That leader liked it so much that he translated it. Between the missionary, our home church, and our ministry we raised enough finance to print 5000 copies. Last year, these were all distributed free of charge to the Mongolian church.

Mongolian church, David Peter's book, How to Pray and Change Your World, David Peters, New Zealand missionary, Mongolia, Outer Mongolia,

Such was the hunger, that one woman drove fifteen hours through a sandstorm, snowstorm, and an engine breakdown to get three copies. Because of the demand, another 5000 copies are being printed for distribution in 2024. A donor has already covered the cost of this. 10,000 books on prayer are going to make a huge difference to that nation. Outer Mongolia – in all my wildest dreams, I never thought God would do that!

You may not have written a book. But you may have desires and God-dreams for yourself, your family, church, business, nation, and this world. And God is waiting to awe you with His “immeasurably more” if you dare to ask and think big.

As we enter this new year, let our declaration be, “More in 24!” Believe it, pray it and expect to be amazed by what God does.


David Peters

David Peters, founder and director of Spiritlife Ministries, New Zealand prophet,

David Peters is the founder and director of Spiritlife Ministries and has many years’ experience in prophetic/teaching ministry. He and his wife Greta travel extensively, inspiring people to have unwavering hope despite life’s trials, equipping them to operate in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in daily life, and ministering prophetically to leadership teams.