Celebrating fathers through our appreciation and love

Father and Son friendship and love

Thankful too for our Heavenly Father’s heart for us.

As we approach Father’s Day this coming Sunday, we asked some of our PKNZ friends to tell us what Father’s Day means to them.

Father’s Day is my family day. My family think they’re celebrating me, but I love that we’re celebrating us. I reflect on God the Father with the many blessings I have. I reflect on myself as a father but also the efforts my own father made for us kids. – Kalolo, 29 years old

A day where I can intentionally show my appreciation for all that my dad has done while raising me, as well as being able to serve him. – Izaak, 21 years old

The biggest struggles in our world today are not addictions, violence, or the devil. The biggest issue is fatherlessness. Fathers are key, they are the glue of society. The very Creator of all the universe calls Himself Father. Jesus’ whole mission on Earth was to reveal the Father. Fathers should be celebrated and encouraged like there is no tomorrow. Celebrate your father today. –
Phil van der Mespel, Warkworth

Father’s Day brings a flood of emotions. As a son, I’ve seen my dad evolve from being the only man in my life, to the strongest, then not the smartest, then the wisest. Now, he’s older, weaker, just a shadow of his former self. Yet, my love for him has only deepened. I hope my children will one day feel the same about me when my strength has faded. Fatherhood is a cycle of strength, wisdom, and enduring love. – Isaac, 53 years old.

It is such a gift being a father. I know many who for whatever reason, cannot have children and therefore be a father. I also know many who are fathers who are doing the best they know how. What I know is that our Heavenly Father’s heart is for His sons to come to know Him in an intimate way. For us dads who know the Father, we ought to do our very best to know the love of the Father intimately, and love others like He does - no judgement and no conditions. Just pure love from the Father. – Frank Po Ching

I quite often forget it’s Father's Day, however, because of the awesome daughters I inherited when I married Tonia 18 years ago, I am reminded every Father's Day just how much I’m loved and appreciated. I know if you’re a stepfather you’ll understand and you might even upgrade it’s ‘nice’ to ‘incredible’, that years later you receive compliments or best wishes from your step kids, because they appreciate you more these days. – Gerald Wilson, Taranaki

“The greatest tribute a boy can give to his father is to say, ‘When I grow up, I want to be just like my dad.’ It is a convicting responsibility for us fathers and grandfathers.” – Said the late Rev. Billy Graham

A chance to stop and reflect - from a father’s point of view - that your children are awesome, and they love you. From a son point of view - the great qualities and decisions that your father has made. Happiest moment is them all running and jumping into bed in the morning. – Mark Shaw, New Plymouth.

Kalolo, Izaak, Phil, Isaac, Frank, Gerald, Mark.