A Different Generation of Men

A Different Generation of Men


“The proof is in the pudding,” my Grandma used to say. I love pudding, a little too much I’m afraid.  What Grandma meant was the fruit of our lives is the proof of our lives. She taught me that words are only meaningful if they compel us to live in line with what we are saying.


We all know it’s time for men to take a different view on life. You wouldn’t be reading this article if you weren’t somewhat open to that belief. It’s time to stop agreeing with statistics and lamenting at the state of our communities. It’s time to live differently.


Adam and Eve’s grandson is a great example for us. The Bible tells us;

“And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of the Lord.” Genesis 4:26


Several things strike me from this verse that I put forward for you to consider.


Firstly, think about the time and culture of the world when Enosh was born. His grandparents had tasted the forbidden fruit and were banished from the Garden of Eden – cast out but not castrated. His Uncle Cain had slew his brother in the field and was marked with a crimson tattoo for all his days – away from God but not forgotten by God. Building cities, the Cainites had become strong and mighty without God and were violent in nature. Only two generations later, the joy of walking with God in the Garden was a distant family camp-fire story.


How far have we come away from being men who walk with God daily, in love and fellowship?


Secondly, the name Enosh comes from the root words that mean: to be weak, frail, man is mortally frail.  I take this as a confession of his father, Seth. I think Seth realised the strength and might, apart from God, was futile. I think Seth was saying through the naming of Enosh that man was meant to be weak before God.


Do we construct our lives in our strength as a sign of our competence without God?


Most importantly, from the time of Enosh men returned to “calling on the name of the Lord.” This means they began to worship God; they began to centre their lives around God and began to be known as followers of God.


From the days of Enosh, followers of God would gather and worship God in public places. They would offer sacrifices to God as evidence of their devotion to God and trust in His daily provision for their families.


It’s time for the men of our day to become “Men of Enosh.” By this I mean we are to lead our families and communities to call on the name of the Lord. By doing this we demonstrate that we love God, we trust God and we choose to separate ourselves from others so that we can worship God as He deserves.


The proof of your life is in the fruit of your life. Do you call on the name of the Lord?



Phil Strong

Phil Strong is the Senior Leader at ZION, a church community in Te Awamutu. He’s also a published author who has inspired many with his practical teaching for transformational living. You can find out more at https://philstrong.com