Zoom men’s group

Join our online men's group Friday fortnightly on Zoom
Join in the discussion 6:30am Friday mornings fortnightly.

The online men's group will recommence on Friday 14 February at 6:30am. See you then.

We'll be talking about that week's PK Tuesday email topic, so subscribe [here] to receive PK emails. You can also read it on our Facebook and Instagram and on our website [articles & devotions here]. Spend time with God thinking about it. Then join us on Zoom on Friday morning to discuss it. If you haven’t attended the Zoom men’s group yet, I invite you to give it a go. We have a great time together! I look forward to seeing you there.

Zoom men’s group – Join the discussion, 6.30am on Friday mornings fortnightly.

Go to https://zoom.us/join and enter the Meeting ID below. Then enter the passcode (please type the passcode exactly as indicated because it is case sensitive).

Meeting ID: 890 3222 8562
Passcode: PKFriday

Abundant blessings
Frank Po Ching