treeHow You Can Overcome Your Challenges and Grow Spiritually

Imagine if every week you got a new tool from Promise Keepers to help you overcome issues and keep growing as a Christian man

Wouldn't that be a powerful pathway for spiritual growth? WiseChoices is the tool that keeps you connected and growing!

The team at Promise Keepers knows that the demands of a busy life can distance us from that close relationship with our Father that we deeply long for. Good intentions don’t make good relationships. What we focus on is what we become passionate about. This is why we have created WiseChWC brochure 4oices just for you!

I use it for my devotions and have at times found it profoundly challenging and insightful in my walk with God... I also find the content very encouraging. - Jon

All the time as men we are confronted with the pressure to make choices. It may be about work, family, finances or the future. The decisions we make will impact us and those around us long after they have been made. They may even impact our desWC brochure 1tiny.

The change in [Craig] over the past two years since he has been reading [PK content] is real and demonstrable. His patience with me and our children has increased, his ability to manage day to day challenges and stress at work and at home is improved, and we are more at peace as a couple and as a family. - Elizabeth

WC brochure 2Something timeless and worth so much to my own personal growth… has no price. - Steve

I use WiseChoices in our Men’s Group and find it awesome, I use it as a starting point to some good sharing and discussions. - George

Why WiseChoices? Better Choices, Better Outcomes

When you subscribe to Promise Keepers emails, PK will connect with you and encourage you as a man of God with weekly email encouragement. You will get biblical input about livinWC brochure 3g as a representative of Jesus, in the topic-based email.

Promise Keepers will supply you with a multimedia toolbox of videos, studies and articles so you can tackle the important issues.

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The suggested donation of only $10 per month enables Promise Keepers to produce these powerful resources and continue to serve more men.WC brochure 5

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