The Artist’s Cry

Artist creating his work, God is the great artist,

As men living in the post-modern era, we are bombarded by all kinds of messages that questions who we are as men, as husbands, and as fathers. It cuts deep into the essence of our identity; who we are in Christ, how we see ourselves, and how the Father sees us as sons of the Living God.

Through technology and social media, it has progressively changed the speed of information and the level its being consumed. This phenomenon has created all kinds of issues; appetite for all and any information and content, both good and bad, truth and lies. We hear it and see it so much we become desensitised, numbed by it all.

When the Nazis chose Joseph Goebbels in 1933 to lead its propaganda machine called the Reich Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda, its primary goal was to spread Nazi ideas using radio and public loudspeakers, negative images of Jews in magazines, films, cartoons, and other media. It glorified Hitler’s image on postcards and posters. Specific schools and university textbooks were banned or allowed as a form of censorship.

In Genesis 3, the kingpin of propaganda laid the ultimate trap that changed the course of mankind. He put doubt in Adam and Eve’s heart, questioning their identity, and they fell for it (Genesis 3:1-5). The liar continues today but through multiple mediums, even through people, including those who are close to us.

We are living in an era where lies are being presented to us in colourful and enticing ways. We are lazy to seek the truth, instead we’ve come to tolerate what’s been dished out to us. I heard it being said that “what we tolerate, will eventually take over us.” In today’s society, this has become the reality.

Jesus said in John 8:31-32, “If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Let us therefore, set ourselves on a journey of discovery, to actively pursue the Truth. Jesus is Truth. “Abide” is an active word, calling for us to actively cling to God’s Word, consume it like there is no tomorrow.

A blind man whose job was to differentiate between authentic and counterfeit currency, was asked how he can tell the difference. He replied simply, “you just need to know the real thing really well.”

The cry of the Father’s heart, the Creator of all creation, has not waivered from His original intent. His love has not changed. How He sees you and me has not changed despite our shortcomings.

It’s His perspective that defines us, and nothing else matters. It’s why Jesus says if we abide in His Word, we’ll know the truth, and it will set us free.

In his letter to the believers in Colossae, the apostle Paul wrote, “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” (Colossians 1:16)

In and through Jesus’ victory on the cross, “For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection… that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.” (Romans 6:5-6)

Let’s rise up men, be victorious, and stay true to being disciples of Christ. Say No to the lies, and believe what the Father says you are – you’re the son of the Living God.

In His richest blessings

Frank Po Ching