Finances, donating, tithing, giving, what does it all mean

What does stewardship mean to you?

We generally associate stewardship with money within a church setting. How much do I, or should I give? Is it just to the local church or can I spread it between other organisations with which I have an affinity? Are we under an expectation of a tithe (10%) per Old Testament law? Jesus updated this to everything we have control over, belongs to God! We should give generously and with joy and not out of compulsion or coercion.

Why should others be physically better off than me?

Our society these days seems to have a “Me Too” mentality desiring instant gratification and “keeping up with the Jones’s”. Consume now and pay later. But the Kingdom of God is a give-away lifestyle. Yes, there are those who appear to be financially well off, however the scripture advises that for those who have more resources, more will be required of them. 1 Corinthians 4:2 says, “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” (NIV)

Does it just refer to physical money or assets?

God has numbered our days. Therefore, we have a finite time on earth to fulfil the great commission of bringing life to a world who do not recognise Jesus as the only way to God through believing on Him and accepting the fact that He died as an atonement for our sin.

So, perhaps we are stewards of our time as well because this has been given by God. What do we do with our time? Is God pleased with how we are spending our time?

It would seem natural in these times to think, I’ve been working hard all day and deserve some time relaxing in front of the TV, on the internet, gaming. And after a couple of hours, it’s time to go to bed.

Helping others, providing them with food, money for healthcare, showing kindness to others

In the church I have been attending it was noted the following activities are being undertaken:

Hospital visits, with volunteers assisting patients to attend chapel services by pushing wheelchairs.

Working with Gideons to see Bibles left in travellers’ accommodation.

Keeping in touch with former members of the church who are now housebound.

Providing entertainment in local rest homes with Christian music.

Supporting solo parents by looking after children for even just a short time to help relieve pressure.

Cleaning the worship centre and doing gardening around the church property.

And many more practical ways of serving others.

Are we trying to accumulate possessions to have a good lifestyle? Or are we using what we have, to grow God’s kingdom on earth through our actions with what we have been entrusted?

Ezra found adequacy was found in God, not in things. "For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel." Ezra 7:10

What enthuses us?

Grant Witheford

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