Pure Power 2014 Event Speakers and other information on USB.


God is the source of pure power. His power is holy, pure and without limits. God has the power to create something out of nothing. He created the heavens and the earth and everything in between. God created us in His image and likeness. The challenge for us is to be connected to His power, transformed by His power and living in His power. This weekend, experience a transformational encounter with God, receive His power in all its fullness, see it released in every aspect of your life and be prepared to reveal His power to others. Listen to those around you, learn from the speakers, but most of all, hear from God! God says be fruitful and multiply. Within our spiritual DNA there is something worth reproducing. Your legacy begins today – it will have eternal significance and impact!

Speakers Auckland:
Disc 1: Chuck Missler, Wes Chambers, Bill Subritzky, Geoff Wiklund
Disc 2: David Peters, Specialist Panel, Inga Tuigmala & Others
Disc 3: Aaron Ironside, Specialist Panel, Nick Tuitasi, Specialist Panel
Disc 4: Seth Fawcet, Gary Colville

Speakers Wellington:
Disc 1: Chuck Missler, Iliafi Esera, Brian France, Geoff Wiklund
Disc 2: Norm McLeod, Specialist Panel, Inga Tuigmala & Others
Disc 3: Aaron Ironside, Specialist Panel, Richard Ellena, Specialist Panel
Disc 4: Mike Connell, Gary Colville

Speakers Christchurch:
Disc 1: Chuck Missler, Iliafi Esera, Bill Subritzky, Geoff Wiklund
Disc 2: Roy Warren, Specialist Panel, Inga Tuigmala & others
Disc 3: Aaron Ironside, Specialist Panel, Jim Hurn, Specialist Panel
Disc 4: Seth Fawcet, Gary Colville