Resources for Wives
Finding out about your husband’s pornography habit can be a devastating discovery.
Covenant Eyes has resources available to help you and answer your questions.
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Freedom Fight also has resources available for married couples
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Conquer Series Course
The Conquer Series is a teaching series for men. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity.
The host of the series is Dr Ted Roberts, founder of Pure Desire Ministries International and former U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot in Vietnam. He was the senior pastor of a church in Oregon with over 7000 members and has counselled and discipled men for over thirty years. KingdomWorks Studios has condensed thirty years of Dr Roberts’ knowledge and experience into five hours of simple yet comprehensive teaching.
[Find out more about Conquer Series]
Freedom Fight
Freedom Fight - Find Freedom from Porn. No matter how long you’ve been using porn or how you’ve tried to get free, Freedom Fight's proven program is for you. It's free and its online.

Valiant Man Course
Valiant Man is a course designed to restore and fortify the sexual integrity and spiritual vitality of men.
Have you ever asked the question, "Why did God give me such a relentless sex drive?" Are you tired of wrestling with the constant sexual temptations that bombard your mind? Or - are you married to a man who is always promising to do better, yet he fails to overcome his sexual struggles?
Focus on the Family NZ distributes the Valiant Man course and can also advise where courses are being run.

Doug offers many diversified options for sexual addiction and intimacy anorexia recovery all designed with the intention to help break the bonds of sexual addiction and restore impaired marriages.
Doug is a prolific writer, publishing more than 20 books on addiction recovery as well as many books and DVDs for marriage and youth. He has appeared on television shows including Oprah and Dr. Phil.
As the Executive Director at Heart to Heart Counseling Center for more than 20 years Doug has had the opportunity to see many men and women walk in freedom from their sexual addiction. He has also watched many marriages, on the brink of divorce, begin to heal and become better than ever!

Covenant Eyes
"I have made a covenant with my eyes." Job 31:1
The Covenant Eyes accountability program monitors where a member travels on the internet and the dynamic scoring system scores each website visited according to the content of that site. Then Covenant Eyes sends a report to the member's accountability partner(s) highlighting aspects of that member's web browsing activity. The key is that the member knows they are accountable to their accountability partner(s) for what is on their report. This program is designed to help people embrace internet integrity through accountability.