Following the Lord’s leading has always been very important to me. I have been sensing through His Word and the whispering of the Holy Spirit, that God is leading strongly towards unity throughout the Church in the coming years. This is not a new concept, it has been sung of, spoken of, and written by David, Jesus and Paul.
In Psalm 133:1 David writes:
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
In John 17:20-21 we read of Jesus praying for all believers:
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
In Ephesians 4:3-5 Paul writes:
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Last weekend I was able to witness the power that the spirit of unity brings. I saw a prophetic picture that showed us that the plan we felt the Lord was leading us to, was in fact correct.
We had a PK Local Event in the Manawatu Region based in Palmerston North in St Albans Presbyterian Church. We had 80 men gather from 14 different churches and five different towns. The group that travelled the furthest came from Dannevirke over an hour away, that is commitment.
Although the breakfast event ended officially at 9am, there were still more than half the men in the auditorium at 10am talking, laughing, and praying. From this perspective this was a very successful PK Local Event that brought men together in unity, but there were also other things happening.
For me the previous day also held a real excitement as I met with men’s ministry leaders from seven different churches. We gathered to discuss how we could join together in unity to work for the benefit of the men of this regional area.
It has always been a PK adage that, “if the men are healthy the Church is healthy”. The leaders were honest about where their church’s men’s ministry was at, sharing with likeminded brothers. I was able share a strategy that we believed was God led, going forward not only for the Manawatu but our Nation.
Like Nehemiah we cleared the rubble, so that we knew what foundation we were standing on to build our spiritual wall in this region. We committed to each other to go forward together! The next morning every leader was present at the breakfast event which was a great start on an exciting journey. In fact, two other church groups expressed an interest in joining. This does not and will not happen overnight, there has already been a couple of years work behind the scenes.
Despite opposition, the Lord will prevail by many or few. It is time for men to take their position in the army, not on their own but with brothers from whatever church on each shoulder. We all have the same Heavenly Father. It’s time to get on with the family business!
If this strikes a chord with you and you want to be part of the new wave in your region, email me at
Paul Monahan

Feedback from PK Local Event in Manawatu:
The message was so good it gave me motivation to start now, not tomorrow. – Michael S
I love the unity message [that Paul shared]. Something that has been on my heart for a while. Church with a big “C”. – Murray B
Another great meeting with a good encouraging word from Sam. Well worth the time. – Michael E
It’s a great forum for men to be encouraged to step out into what God has called them into and know there is support as they step out. – Peter C
Sam's motivating message on how and why to be connecting with others in our day-to-day lives was inspirational and practical. Praise God too for the nine responses to Sam's call for men to receive or refresh a relationship with Jesus. – Brian G