Together we can help men find hope, freedom and encouragement. PKNZ relies on people like you to support this mission to help men come out of isolation, deal with life issues, and grow spiritually.

Together, we can make a profound difference, advancing God's Kingdom and bringing hope, freedom, and encouragement to men across New Zealand.
Be part of this work by financially supporting PKNZ to change lives.
Our challenge to you: Believe in our mission and partner with us. From November 2024 until 31 March 2025, we aim to raise $202,500.
Make a difference today by contributing to our IMPACT25 strategic plan. Donate Now.
Your Donations are Tax Deductible
Promise Keepers Trust is a registered Charity in NZ so your donations are tax deductible. Charities Commission Number CC11053.
Promise Keepers is looking for more MOMENTUM PARTNERS who will give $9 a month or more regularly.
Regular Giving is the heartbeat that keeps the PK mission alive. Regular, recurring donations provide a strong financial foundation for this ministry.
How can you help us reach more men?
Please see Donate options above to give by Credit Card.
To Donate by Bank Payment, PK's bank account number is: 12 3082 0105255 04. Please include your Name and PK ID number (if known) or phone number in the details to appear on our bank statement. (Note: If your donation is for the Current Financial Appeal, please also include the reference "IMPACT25" in the details to appear on our bank statement.)
Or contact PK directly, call 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47) or 09 300 7337 or [contact us] via email at
You can read the Donation Policy [here]
You can read the Privacy Policy [here]
If you require assistance, please call us on 09 300 7337 during office hours (9am - 5pm, Monday through Friday).
Leave a Legacy of Promise
By naming Promise Keepers in your Will now, you are sowing into the health of this nation for future generations going forward. [Read more]