Are we missing out

We need God and we need people. Let's not leave either out of our lives.

Are we missing out because we’re leaving God out?

The early ‘Biblical’ days centred around building relationships, starting with Adam, progressing with Eve and all God-created humans. Then the people decided to forget the value of having proper bonds with the Creator and became corrupt. So much so that a select few people and animals were ordered into an ark. This shows how serious God was about relationships that should involve Him.

After the flood had wiped out all but those whom God chose to save, the ark ‘landed’, and resettlement began.

In a very short time, the people started to go their own way again, building walls and a tower to reach the heavens. At this stage all people spoke one language. That changed when God saw them going their own way – without Him. He brought confusion upon the people by ‘confusing their language’ (Genesis 11:7).

Today many people in the world have diminishing hope. We now face armies of varying styles. Many are not mature enough to use the gifts that God has given each of us, to save souls.

We need God and we need people. Those who are not working together with God have broken their relationship with the God of all creation!

Jesus’ command to love one another means getting involved in building relationships. But what is so important about relationships?

Imagine yourself in a position where you discover someone who shares some values or interests very similar to your own. How do you react? I suggest you want to talk more with them, to converse, eager to know more about them. The same applies to them. They want to share details and build friendships, trust and ultimately, partnerships.

Without us trying to build relationships we’ll never realise the potential that others see in us. When we do try there are many rewards, surprises, and trust builds. All that brings its own rewards.

Now observe the same when God the Creator invites us to partner with Him. If we do our part, God is patiently waiting to reward us, both with His presence and the power to build relationships. We don’t miss out, and that is what Christianity and fellowship with God is all about!

On Friday 11 October, I will be hosting the PK Zoom meeting and intend to discuss points that you have personally found to relate to what God asks of you, and how you have responded.

To Paul, Jesus said, ‘my grace is sufficient for you’ (2 Corinthians 12:9). How can we best build confidence with that, especially when He also says, ‘I am with you always’? (Mathew 28:20).

Jack Ponting

Join us for a great online men’s group this Friday morning where we will be discussing this topic. See Zoom details [here]. You can also use today’s topic as a discussion starter in your own men’s group.