Activating the Awesome Power of God in Your Life

Man walking in faith, men of faith, activating God's power, hearing the voice of God,

How can the awesome power of God come and change things in my world?

Jesus came to clear the way so that we could come into an encounter with Him, with innocence of conscience, having been washed clean, so that we would be carriers of His glory and His presence. He is light and power. He is life itself.

Several passages speak of Christ in the beginning - the Word of God, creating all things. That Word was the light and life. In the New Testament John has the revelation of who Jesus is - the Word of God who proceeded from God in the beginning and was face to face with God.

We see that Jesus had already been set aside before the foundation of the world as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. But at His baptism He goes under the waters and the Spirit comes on Him and from then on, as His ministry begins. It’s the Word and the Spirit working together. Then there came an appointed time where the Lamb of God would shed His blood. So we have these powerful truths working together, releasing power onto the Earth.

God has called us to be actively partnering with Him to extend this amazing kingdom of His, and He is supplying the power to do it.

Four ways God gets His redemptive power to us and through us:

His Word

The Word received into your heart mixed with faith can save your soul. The revelation you have, the illumination you have through the Word of God by the Holy Ghost, is one of your main power bases in life. It’s the understanding of who God is.

Who is He? Who are we in Him? What has He done for us? What are His purposes for us? Much of that comes through understanding of His Word.

His shed blood

You are brought near by His blood. It cleanses your conscience. His blood secured the legal basis for our new creation identity as sons and joint heirs. His blood washed away our sin and cleansed us, making us holy and fit as His vessels.

The power of His name

The Hebrew understanding of a name was that it wasn’t just a name, but it reflected the person himself. The name was the character, and the name was his power. Jesus has given us His name. That name is higher than every other name.

The power of the Holy Ghost

Jesus said, “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” (Acts 1:8). They waited. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Thousands of people believed and were added to the Church that day. (Acts 2).

His Word, His shed blood, His name, and the power of the Holy Ghost are four of the main ways God can release His power on Earth through you.

You are an agent of His power, an agent of His grace. He wants to get His power into you, and through you, to bring kingdom order into your lives, into your family, into your workplaces, your community.

Go and live out God’s power!


Wes Chambers

Wes Chambers and his wife Janet are the senior leaders of Living Waters Christian Centre, Christchurch. Wes is passionate about seeing people empowered in the Holy Spirit and God’s kingdom expanded on earth.

Group Discussion Question:

How do we activate the awesome power of God in our life?

What action can we take today to be an agent of God’s power and His grace?

Join us for a great online men’s group this Friday morning where we will be discussing this topic. See Zoom details below. You can also use today’s topic as a discussion starter in your own men’s group.