Believing for Acceleration

Speedometer, need for speed, let's go, race,

Every new year gives me a great sense of hope and excitement for what is yet to happen. In fact before the end of the previous year, like many of you, I look forward to two things. Firstly, I look forward to spending quality time with family. I look forward to the traditional Christmas turkey. On every Christmas morning whilst the children, now including grandchildren exchange presents with each other, I still do a headcount of the family. I don’t remember when I started this [mental counting] tradition – perhaps when there were only two, then three, four, and so on.

I count not to confirm who’s there, but I count because I’m in awe of God’s love and blessings, my heart is full of thanksgiving. And it’s not just at Christmas I do it but its whenever we gather whatever the occasion. I think I also count to remind myself of how awesome each one is, and an absolute blessing from the Lord.

Just like a farmer, we reap what we sow into the land. If we invest into the land, family, ministry, business, our time and effort, and the right resources, we will get a return. Galatians says, “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:8-10)

Secondly, I look forward to the turn of the new year. I don’t mean the new year party, when the fireworks go up around us. I hate the noise, and it sends my golden retriever crawling under the bed petrified of the noise. But I look forward to what the Lord is going to do in my life, in my family’s life, in ministry, my business and my work. I’m extremely hopeful and optimistic about the new year.

I consider the learnings from the previous year, and the changes I need to make in the coming year. I expect a return from the work in the previous year.

At the end of 2024 for PKNZ, I sense this year for PKNZ is a year of acceleration, and I believe that the Lord will take PK into the new season with a greater level of acceleration.

I take confidence in God’s faithfulness and promises in Amos 9:13, “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “when the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seeds; the mountains shall drip with sweet wine, and the hills shall flow with it.”

The Psalms says, “He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly.” (Psalm 147:15). Let us remain faithful and forget not that “…with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (2 Peter 3:8)

If 2024 was a tough year for your business, family, church, or whatever you were doing, if you remained faithful in the little things, expect this year to be a fruitful year. I declare that this year be a year of acceleration over God’s people and His church.

I’m believing this for PKNZ. As we are continuing to pray in God’s provision to keep this ministry going in 2025, we are looking to God to accelerate this ministry in the new season. We are expectant of a good return for what the many before us had ploughed in the ground. We are continuing to work the land, and expecting a harvest as the Lord is also.

Join us in prayer for the season ahead and join us as you feel led to support PKNZ’s work by giving to our financial appeal. Together, we can plough and harvest at the same time.

In His richest blessings
Frank Po Ching

Greater impact together, PKNZ is helping men - bringing hope, freedom, and encouragement to men across New Zealand. This is Promise Keepers IMPACT25 financial appeal

Help PKNZ continue changing lives by supporting our IMPACT25 Financial Appeal. With your donation, we can provide hope, freedom, and encouragement to men across New Zealand. Make a positive impact today and donate now to advance God's Kingdom and support men in New Zealand.