How I Learnt to Trust in the Lord

Office paper work and prayer asking God for help.

When I was practicing law, I'd come into my office, and there would be a huge pile of paper and problems. Before the day started, I'd lay hands on the paper and say, “God, I need Your help. Bring wisdom to the decisions that need to be made, so I can guide other people into it.”

Whenever I started the day by asking God for His help, by the end of the evening the paper pile would be gone. But if I didn't start my day asking for His help, often the paper pile would be bigger than when I started the day.

That is how I practically applied one of my favourite scriptures: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6.

Part of that acknowledgment is giving thanks to God for when you get answered prayer. He will direct your paths. I found that in work, in ministry, in life, in all sorts of situations.

There are circumstances in life where you learn to trust God. For me early on that was in praying for a wife. As soon as I saw Lynette, who was to be my future wife, I considered that answered prayer. This December we will celebrate 47 years married, and I wouldn't change an aspect of her. When God does something, He does it perfectly. Lynette and I were married way before Promise Keepers NZ started. Then when it started, she stepped in and helped every step of the way. During PK Events I was inside the auditorium. She was outside the auditorium. She was dealing with the volunteers, the resources, the security, and all those things. But God knew that this would be a requirement before we were married.

Having this purpose and direction in life is the sort of thing that I want to be connected with.

I don't want to go aimlessly through life, going up dead end streets, wasting time, wasting energy, when instead God has a plan for our life, and He has purposes for our life. All you've got to say is, “Lord, I trust You to guide and lead me, in the direction I should be taking.”

I think it's very important for men who want a pathway and a direction to go. It's like driving a car. You’re driving to get to the destination, and as men we want to know what the destination is. You don’t just get in a car and say, I'll drive wherever.

I think that's the importance of reading our Bible daily and for PK men’s groups to help keep us on track for the purposes that God has called us and created us for.

Let’s encourage one another to fulfil in faith what God has called us to do.


Paul Subritzky